Table of Contents


The main website of Midori is

See also the Midori Faq.


Midori is a lightweight web browser.


Check the Midori website for releases and other information.


Requirements: GTK+ 2.10, WebkitGtk, libXML2

Optional: Unique 0.9, libsoup 2.4, sqlite 3.0, docutils, xdg-open

Building and Installing

Building and installing Midori is straightforward.

Make sure you have Python 2.4 or higher installed.

Change to the Midori folder on your hard disk in a terminal.

Run './waf configure'

Run './waf build'

You can now run Midori from _build_/default/midori

You can install it with './waf install'

For further options run './waf --help'

Reporting Bugs

Bugs should be reported to the Bugtracker.