Goodies to be included in the graphical installer for Xfce 4.6
Please only add goodies which you consider stable and which are actively maintained by you.
The deadline for goodies to be added is November 23rd, 2008.
Please also add the version of your goodie that should be used (as soon as you know).
Panel plugins
xfce4-verve-plugin (version 0.3.6)
xfce4-wavelan-plugin (only works correctly on linux in 0.5.4, trunk is better but unfinished)
xfce4-radio-plugin (version 0.3.1)
xfce4-xkb-plugin (version
xfce4-xmms-plugin (version 0.5.2)
xfce4-timer-plugin (version 0.6.1)
xfce4-datetime-plugin (version >= 0.6.1)
xfce4-places-plugin (version >= 1.1)
xfce4-mount-plugin (version 0.5.5)
With bad lm-sensors dependency, recommendation for hddtemp and Linux-ACPI only: xfce4-sensors-plugin (version
Mailwatch (version >= 1.1.0)
xfce4-notes-plugin (version 1.6.3)
xfce4-fsguard-plugin (version 0.4.2)
xfce4-screenshooter : any version >= to 1.3.2
xfburn : version >= 0.3.2
xfce4-taskmanager : version >= 0.4.1
xfce4-power-manager : version >= 0.6.0
xfce4-dict : version >= 0.5.2
xfce4-notifyd (version >= 0.1.0)
Thunar extensions (for the Thunar installer)
thunar-thumbnailers : version >= 0.4.1